Amsterdam, 31st March 2023 Today's a special day in the OMRT office. For the last months, we've had our nose to the grindstone working on the technology behind what we call "Alpha". For five years, OMRT has been helping real-estate developers build better & greener. And today, we take the next big step in our mission to make the entire construction sector embrace parametric design.

The introduction of OMRT Alpha brings parametric thinking not only to a single real-estate project, but to the companies behind the design & build. Why stop at just one project when you can integrate into your whole company's DNA? Today we are launching OMRT Alpha with some of the most forward thinking and progressive real-estate companies not only in the Netherlands, but in the world: VORM, ABC Nova, HFB & Boom Builds. To this point, incredible work has been put into the engineering and technology to support this launch. In the past months, the OMRT team have created incredible new innovations and industry-defining leaps. Thanks to each and every member who contributed. Today, we are proud to launch OMRT Alpha. We look forward to working closely together with our four partners. And it's just the beginning, together let's build better!
To learn more, visit the OMRT website or send us an email to